

What can we do for you?

We offer a number of services designed to assist in your development projects or jobs on your personal property that you may not have the equipment for.  Contact us by phone or email – we would love to give you a quote for any project.


Alabama Land Development is a Prattville business dedicated to timber clearing, pond digging, road construction, etc.  We have a variety of heavy equipment that can be utilized to complete your project.

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“Once I retired I decided to put a fishing pond on my property. Alabama Land Development finished the job exactly as I requested and did so in a reasonable amount of time. I stocked the pond last spring and look forward to catching many fish with my grandchildren!”
Clarence Jones
“Alabama Land Development cleared a couple acres of timber for me and helped prepare the site of a new barn. I recommend using ALD to anyone looking for dependable heavy equipment operators.”
Jimmy Holston